Saturday, July 7, 2012

Music doremefasolatidoooooooo

In case you didn't know my favorite song is Through Fire and Flames by Dragon Force (click here to watch the music video). 7:43 minutes of awesomeness and mad strumming this is the best song in my opinion. Otherwise my favorite song would be some sort of dubstep (WOOB WOB WOB WOB WOB WOB WOB WOOOOOOOB)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

In case you didn't know, I'm trying to lose weight for football so I do these Bob Harper home video workouts.

Each video is somewhere from 45 minutes to 1 hour 15 minutes so youll need some time to do them. I think that there's ten videos and you only need kettle bells weights (I use cans), and other various eqquipment.

I hope this was of some use to someone out there who's trying to lose weight.

Please please pleeeeeeease comment! Id like to hear what people think about my posts!!!

Today I learned how to do this like its a stair. I think its cool.

If you think this is cool then say so in the comments!!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Lazy Swimmers

Today when I went to swim practice I was destroying EVERYONE!!! I mean, I was lapping kids two and sometimes three times and I went hyper speed when we kicked.

And then there's the kid who does 50 yard when we are supposed to be doing 200s and 300s.

The solution? I got two other kids to nag on him and tell him that were going to tell the coach and eventually he does another 50 yards. So in the whole practice he only did 150 yards (I counted!!!)

My point is, some people are lazy, sluggish buttheads.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Canceled Hiking

today my family was planning on going hiking because it wasn't a bad day for some hiking.But, my brother is a lifeguard at a pool and when it is sunny or clear skies he is most likely going to have to life guard.

My point? No hiking!!! Wahhh!

However this is a good thing if I stay home!!!VIDEO GAMES!!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Mother Nature Screws Up Again

Know what sucks? This:

So if you live in the Seattle area you may know that today we had rain. Lots of it. So I left my window open while it was raining (on accident!!!) and I was charging my phone while it was on the window sill. After 20 minutes of raining I go up to my room to read and then I see...


My phone is traumatized now and wont go near a windowsill EVER.

Poor, poor phone almost drowned.

DARN YOU MOTHER NATURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

Friday, June 22, 2012

Battlefield 3

Did I ever mention my love of video games??? If not I looooooooooooooooooooooove video games.

I play Xbox 360. My favorite game is battlefield 3. Its more fun than fun! I WUV DIS GAME!

I can only play the campaign for certain reasons but I still like it.My purpose in life is to play this game!!!

I hope other people like this game as do I.

I like CHICKEN TOO!!!!!!


Yesterday I went and swam at a swim meet.

I got first in two of my four events so it was a pretty good meet for me.The weather was nice also and I had a good time swimming.

I had pasta salad for dinner (totally off subject).

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Broken Bones

Recently my uncle was motor-crossing with my cousin and he was airborne and he fell off his bike and  
he fell to the ground. His knee hit the ground first and his femur broke through his pelvis (try not to picture that :P)

A few years ago my sister broke her arm.She was on a spider dome thingy on the playground at her school and she fell arm first and she broke her arm. She had to get 2 pins in her arm.

Lastly, I broke my foot when I was a year and a half old and I got an infection that made my leg swell up and I had to take a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot of antibiotics.

I wonder what the hospital bill was:) .

Welcome: First Blog Don't Judge

Bye-bye 4th  grade, hello 5th !

I just finished 4th grade yesterday and started summer today. Gawd, am I happy!!!

I'm ten years old and I have a sister SeattleSwimGirl, a brother BrokenSithLord, mother ScoutsHonor United States of Motherhood, and father Beau Raines at Boh-logging

 I play tackle football. The worst "injury" I've had playing football was having a 7 inch diameter bruise on the right side of my hip bone. This will be my second year of tackle football.

I also swim summer league swimming. My favorite stroke is breaststroke. I used to swim year round but I put my interests in football.

This summer I hope to play a lot of video games,football and meet with friends. I'll also be doing math on this website called I will write on this blog daily.

My goals this summer are:

1. Break a record at my summer league swim team
2. Get 15 tackles during tackle football
3. Level up 20 levels on MW3 (a video game)
4. Start a lawn mowing or a dog walking business with my friend
5. Be AWESOME!!!!